St Prosdocimus (Feast day: November 7th) was the first bishop of Padua. He was of Greek origin and sent to Italy by St. Peter the Apostle. He is not in an official Orthodox Calendar of saints, but he died in 100 AD, and is thus a pre-schism Saint.
Note: Adapted from the blog posts – The relics of St. Luke the Evangelist
I took a train from Venice to Padua and expected the trip to take a couple of hours. I assumed that Padua was small and that the Church would be easy to find. Well, I was completely wrong, not that it was hard to find (though in my case it was!), but because I was not prepared. This guide is to help you find the Church housing St Prosdocimus’ relics easily.
Step 1.
The Abbey of Santa Giustina houses the relics of St Prosdocimus of Padua.
Step 2.
Exit South from the train station.
Step 3.
Locate the road Corso del Polpolo, which is directly South of the Train Staion. Essentially, you want to take this road South until you get to the Church. Unfortunately, the name changes, which may confuse some, but I will show a step-by-step guide on how to navigate this road. On the plus side, it is a beautiful walk bustling with markets and old architecture.
Step 4.
Continue on Corso del Polpolo. When you cross a river, the name will change to Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi. Continue south.
Step 5.
Continue on Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi until a road veers off southeast from it called Riviera del Ponti Romani. Continue on Riviera del Ponti Romani south.
Step 6.
Continue on Riviera del Ponti Romani south. Eventually it will turn into Riviera Tito Livio. Continue along Riviera Tito Livio south.
Step 7.
Continue on Riviera Tito Livio south. It will turn into Riviera Ruzante, take it and continue heading south.
Step 8.
Continue on Riviera Ruzante. It will turn into Riviera Businello, take it and continue heading south.
Step 9
At this point you should be able to see Prato della Valle, a giant compass like island with water and bridges around it. It is a good indicator that you are nearly there becaus the Abbey is a little southeast of it. Continue on Riviera Businello until you get to Via Andrea Briosco, take it and continue south.
Step 10
Take Via Andrea Briosco to Prato della Valle and from there you will see the Abbey more clearly and can head to it.

Getting to the Church is easier then this guide reads. The path is one long road for the most part where its name changes constantly.
The Abbey of Santa Giustina has a lot to see. Not only will you find the relics of St. Luke the Evangelist, but the Abbey also has the coffin they found him in, as well as the relics of St. Matthias the Apostle, St. Giustina (Justina), St. Prosdocimus, and the Well of Martyrs.

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