St. Athanasius the Great (Feast Day: January 18th) was the Partriarch of Alexandria, a staunch defender of Orthodoxy, and was at the 1st Ecumenical Council. He was the first to list the 27 books of the New Testament as we know them today.
St. Athanasius’ relics rest at San Zaccaria Church, together with the relics of St. Zachariah, in Venice Italy. Pope Shenouda requested some of his relics, which are at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo.
I have already written about how to find the relics of St. Zachariah, so the directions below are a copy of the post just mentioned.
San Zaccaria Church is southeast of St. Mark’s Basilica.

Once you exit the train station, head towards St. Mark’s Basilica, and look for a street named Piazza San Marco Take it south, until you see Riva Digli Schiavoni. Take this road east, cross two canals, and turn left (north) on the second street. Head towards Campo San Zaccaria, and the Church will be on the left.

Unlike most Churches in Italy, the relics are not underneath the altar, they are along the wall, together with St. Zachariah’s relics.

There are two sets of relics and St. Athanasius’s are on the top. St. Athanasius the Great’s relics are above the Prophet.
Hi there….you have the images of the relics of Saint Athanasius and Saint Zachariah mixed up. Saint Zachariah is ABOVE Saint Athanasius. The cover for the relics of Saint Zachariah has been removed from its location and set on the altar making it seem like the lower relic is Saint Zachariah….but that’s not the case. He’s in the top bunk.